Men experience domestic abuse, too.

We understand how difficult it can be if you are a man experiencing domestic abuse or other forms of violence. You might feel scared, isolated, and confused. You might feel ashamed or afraid to tell anyone about your situation. But you are not alone – there is support available.
Understanding and Supporting Male Victims of Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is all about power and control. We understand that patriarchy contributes to and can often be viewed as providing an environment for domestic abuse to thrive, but it is important to remember that patriarchy is a social system that benefits some men, but can also harm, silence, and disadvantage many more men.
Every man has their own experiences and beliefs about what it means to be a man.
While we know that every man is unique, there are some common social pressures that men face, like how they should behave, feel, think and react to situations. These expectations can have a significant impact on how a man feels that he should deal with a situation, for example from an early age, men are encouraged to be physically strong, emotionally strong and deal with their own problems alone and never to ask for help.
It is important that we believe all victims of abuse, we respond by listening without judgement and offer the support they want and need.

I think I'm being abused
It is important to remember that you are not alone. We have specialist domestic abuse practitioners who can support and guide you through your own individual journey.

I think I'm being abusive
It takes strength to admit that you are abusing your partner. If you really want to change, you can. Programmes exist to help men change their behaviour and increase the safety of women and children.
The Change Project facilitates Reflect, a programme designed to help you understand your own behaviour and recognise abusive behaviour within yourself.
What is Domestic Abuse?
With our support, survivors of domestic abuse can reclaim their lives and choose the future they want.

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